Thursday, July 30, 2020

Bulletin, Hymns, and Livestream for August 2

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Join us online this Sunday, August 2, at 11:00 a.m. for our worship service with prayers, scripture reading, organ music, and hymns. The Rev. Bruce Puckett, assistant dean at the Chapel, will preach a sermon on "The Journey to Worship." We continue our focus this summer on the Psalms, with prayers adapted from Psalms 36 and 62 and a musical setting of Psalm 124.

Click here for the bulletin and hymns.

In the scripture readings this Sunday, the psalm writer blesses the Lord, the one who is the creator of the heavens and earth and the helper of God’s people. Without the Lord, the psalmist recognizes the people would be like those overtaken by flood waters—helpless and hopeless. James encourages the community of believers to hold one another up in prayer. When sisters and brothers are suffering, sick, or sinful and when they are cheerful and glad, the community of faith is to lift each one before the Lord in prayer. Like the psalmist, James recognizes that help comes from the Lord. The gospel lesson from Mark highlights both the reward of any who work for the good of those who bear Christ’s name, and judgment for those who create stumbling blocks for any seeking to follow Jesus.

Please note: The Chapel is closed to visitors and all in-person services, concerts, and other events remain canceled until further notice. We continue to pray regularly for Duke, Durham, the nation, and the world, and offer online resources for prayer and livestreams of services. We also continue lamenting injustice and those who have died. We invite you to engage online with us.