Jazz Vespers
A collaboration between Duke Chapel and the Duke Jazz Program, the Jazz Vespers worship services combine the ancient form of evening vespers with the musical improvisation of jazz.
Time and Location
Jazz Vespers is typically held once per semester. Free parking is available on a first-come-first-served basis in the Bryan Center Parking Garage at 125 Science Drive; ADA parking is available in the Bryan Center Surface Lot. The service is held in the Chapel's main sanctuary (nave).Ministers and Musicians
Jazz Vespers is led by Chapel Dean Luke A. Powery as well as ministers from the Chapel staff, campus ministries, and local churches; student worship leaders also participate. The music is led by Professor John Brown, director of the Duke Jazz Program, who leads the John Brown Big Band.
Webcasts and Recordings
Watch Jazz Vespers services live online on the Duke Chapel YouTube channel, as well as on TV on channel 12 of the Duke Hospital TV System and channel 110 on the Duke Campus Vision TV system. Watch recordings of the services here:
About the Liturgy
Watch a video about Jazz Vespers: