Are you a Duke student seeking to bridge your faith and learning? Do you hope to nurture and embody an intellectual, ethical, and spiritual life? If so, Chapel Scholars may be for you.  

Two students look at each other with more students in the background.

Among the many students who connect with the Chapel, a select group embarks on a journey of faith and learning related to questions of purpose, meaning, and calling. These students are the Chapel Scholars. Chapel Scholars form an interdenominational community of Christian students connected to the Chapel. Together, they ask and seek answers to life’s deepest questions. Through study, service, counsel, and worship, Chapel Scholars build community across traditions and are formed together in faith. The application process is open to all Duke students (undergraduate and graduate) who identify with the Christian tradition. 

Chapel Scholars have priority access to Duke Chapel’s programs, initiatives, events, and mentor networks. New Scholars are placed in a cohort that connects them with other students from a wide range of Christian traditions. Scholars are also encouraged to form discipleship and pastoral mentoring relationships with Chapel ministry staff.  Scholars are eligible for funding up to $1,000 annually (up to $500 in their first year) to support mission trips, conferences, and service projects.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, with a priority deadline of September 30. Students are eligible to apply at any point in their Duke career.

Program Mission and Objectives

  • Help students nurture and embody the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual life
  • Provide resources for asking and answering questions of purpose, meaning, and calling from a Christian perspective
  • Foster an environment conducive to ecumenical Christian fellowship, learning, and belonging
  • Serve as a hub for spiritual mentorship
  • Provide support to students for mission trips, conferences, and service projects


What We Do

As a Chapel Scholar, you’ll engage in four program areas to explore how your faith thinks, serves, and feels. 

  1. The Intellectual—“A faith that thinks”: Scholars Talks—where students interact with thought leaders related to issues of life and faith; Discernment Reading Groups—where students join others reading at least one book per semester that engages the big questions of life related to meaning, purpose, and calling; suggested courses for scholars to take together; Scholars Funds—grants given for learning experiences related to your faith. 
  2. The Ethical—“A faith that serves”: Monthly opportunities to serve the Durham community (expected participation in at least one per semester); Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope—a weekend learning the story of Durham (participation in one pilgrimage during your Duke career expected); Scholars funds—grants given for service experiences related to your faith; and Chapel sponsored mission trips during break times.
  3.  The Spiritual—“A faith that feels”: Regular opportunities to lead and participate in the worship and prayer life of Duke Chapel [e.g., Sunday morning worship, Vespers, Evensong, and special services] (expected participation in at least one per semester); and access to Chapel sponsored prayer and reflection retreats during break times. 
  4. The Ecumenical Community—"A faith that joins”: Annual Chapel Scholars Welcome Dinner and other regular Scholar community meals; pastoral mentoring meetings with Chapel staff (meet at least once a semester in a one-on-one meeting); special access tower climbs; Dinners with the Deans; and other opportunities to connect across Christian traditions and practices.