Deans Pucket and Powery talk with students

Living Our Values Together

Our values are touchstones, calling us into a deeper relationship with God and one another.

Of the five values in our Strategic Plan, this year (2021–22) we are focusing on and highlighting Compassion. From our My Grandmother's Hands book group to our Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope partnership to our Hymn Competition, compassion is embedded in what we do and how we do it.

Watch for the #PracticeCompassion hashtag on our social media and join the conversation online with your own examples of compassion in action.

Throughout the five years of our Strategic Plan (2019–2024), our values are at the center of the Bridge Panels, lectures, and other public programs and projects that invite all of our friends and donors to consider with us how to live these values richly in a spirit of truth, reconciliation, forgiveness, and love. 

Each year we focus on one value and look closely at how it is expressed in our work, but we will also reflect on how it influences and informs all the values we hold. We will use these values to shape our all-staff meetings and retreats, our worship, and our work together. But, to be engaged in faith and learning means to be engaged in thinking, believing, and living. When we are true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we embody his values as we spend time with our friends, pray for wisdom and work for justice, serve the poor, rest on the Sabbath, study the sacred text, and participate as fully as possible in the creative energies of God.