Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Worship Service July 25, Prof. Brent Strawn Preaching

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This Sunday, July 25, in our 11:00 a.m. worship service, we continue our focus on the Minor Prophets with a reading from the first chapter of the prophet Habakkuk. The Rev. Dr. Brent A. Strawn, professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School, will give the sermon while Chapel Organist Christopher Jacobson and guest soloist Daniel Shirley will lead the music. Preregistration is required to attend the service in-person.

In keeping with the university’s updated COVID protocols, anyone who is unvaccinated is required to wear a mask at all times when inside Duke buildings, including inside the Chapel. We recognize and respect that some people may choose to continue wearing a mask as a means to prevent exposure to themselves or loved ones. Additionally, social distancing is no longer required on campus, though distancing is still recommended for those who are not vaccinated. Finally, because COVID vaccines are a matter of public health, we encourage all eligible people to receive one.

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