Summer Study of the Minor Prophets
This summer during the church year's Ordinary Time, we will read several books of the Minor Prophets as our primary scripture lessons in our Sunday services, and our preachers will be preaching from them throughout the summer. Reading and listening together will allow our community to learn from scripture passages that we do not regularly encounter through the lectionary in our worship services and will open us to receive from a broader range of the scriptural canon; this approach is called lectio continua.
We hope you will join us through the summer as we read, study, and learn from these books:
- August 1—Malachi 1 and 2
- July 25—Habakkuk 1, 2, and 3
- July 18—Micah 5, 6, and 7
- July 11—Micah 3 and 4
- July 4—Micah 1 and 2
- June 27—Amos 7, 8, and 9
- June 20—Amos 5 and 6
- June 13—Amos 3 and 4
- June 6—Amos 1 and 2
Additionally, the Congregation at Duke Chapel is holding book group conversations on Moral Struggle and the Prophets by Howard Thurman. This collection of sermons will complement summer sermon series on the Minor Prophets. Discussions on this book will be on Wednesdays in June at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. For detailed information please contact the Congregation.