Friday, September 18, 2020

Worship Guide and Livestream for September 20

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To participate in this Sunday's worship service (September 20), you are invited to view and/or dowload the worship guide, which includes the hymns. Here is the livestream for the service:

The scandalous nature of God’s grace is on full display in the scripture lessons today. The Old Testament lesson describes Jonah’s response to God forgiving the people of Nineveh. In a comical scene, God demonstrates to Jonah God’s freedom to extend mercy and forgiveness to whomever God desires. In the gospel lesson, Jesus tells a parable of day laborers who receive the same amount of pay regardless of when they began working. The least likely to be chosen to work—such as the young, the old, and the differently abled—are selected last but are paid equal to all the rest. In the kingdom of heaven, God gives mercy regardless of merit and “the last will be first and the first will be last.” Paul writes to the church at Philippi of the grace of God that grants the privilege of living and dying for Christ. Because of this grace, Paul exhorts the church to “live your life in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”

The Chapel is currently closed to visitors. We invite you engage with us online.