Saturday, September 12, 2020

Livestream and Worship Guide for Sunday, Sept. 13

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To participate in this Sunday's worship service (September 13), you are invited to view and/or dowload the worship guide, which includes the hymns. Here is the livestream for the service:

Creating space for future relationship after harm has been done is at the heart of the scripture lessons this week. Genesis tells the final part of the story of Joseph and his brothers who sold him into slavery. By reaffirming his choice to forgive his brothers for the evil they had done to him, Joseph makes room for relationship with his brothers, promising to care for them and their families. Joseph found God’s redemptive actions in the midst of the turmoil his brothers created. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus teaches his disciples that even after many wrongs have been done, future relationship is possible through forgiveness. Following Jesus is not about keeping track of wrongs but about extending great mercy. Jesus’s parable highlights the expectation of his disciples to extend mercy because of the exceptional mercy that has been extended first to them. Paul emphasizes in his letter to the church in Rome that passing judgement on fellow disciples, be that through unforgiveness or despising another’s opinions, is not following the way of the Crucified and Resurrected Christ for in the end “we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.”

The Chapel is currently closed to visitors. We invite you engage with us online.