Thursday, May 07, 2020

Bulletin and Livestream for May 10, 2020

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Join us online for a Sunday morning worship service on May 10 at 11:00 a.m. The service will include prayers, scripture reading, organ music, a sermon, and hymns.

Click here to see the bulletin and hymns.

During this service, we will celebrate those who graduate from Duke this weekend. Several seniors, who have been engaged with Chapel life and programs, will help lead us in worship by offering the Prayers of the People. As we move deeper into the season of Easter, the scriptures continue to reflect on life in light of the resurrection. In John’s gospel, Jesus identifies himself as the way, the truth, and the life, and he invites his disciples to participate in this way. In the lesson from Acts, the author tells the story of Stephen’s stoning. As a martyr for the faith, Stephen follows in the way of Christ as he prays for the forgiveness of those who are stoning him, just as Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified him. In light of his crucifixion and resurrection, the way of Jesus for his disciples was, and continues to be, the way of forgiveness.

The Chapel continues to be closed to visitors and all in-person services, concerts, and events are canceled until further notice, so we invite you to engage online with us.