Friday, June 05, 2020

Bulletin and Livestream for June 7, 2020

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Join us online for a Sunday morning worship service on Trinity Sunday, June 7, at 11:00 a.m. The service will include prayers, scripture reading, organ music, a sermon, and hymns.

Click here to see the bulletin and hymns.

Trinity Sunday begins the liturgical season of ordinary time that follows Pentecost. In this service, we celebrate the revelation of God as the Holy Trinity—God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Also on this first Sunday of ordinary time, we begin our study through the Book of Psalms. In addition to extra readings of psalms in our Sunday morning services, we will also use psalms to guide our confession and affirmation of faith each week. In Psalm 8, the writer declares God’s majesty in creation and stands in awe of God choosing relationship with humankind that gives humans responsibility for the good creation. The psalmist tells in Psalm 9 of the Lord’s righteous judgment on the wicked and the Lord’s concern and care for the oppressed. The witness of these psalms provide a picture of who the Triune God is as the one who creates, redeems, and sustains.

Please note: The Chapel is closed to visitors and all in-person services, concerts, and other events remain canceled until further notice. We continue to pray regularly for Duke, Durham, the nation, and the world, and offer online resources for prayer and livestreams of services. We invite you to engage online with us and read about how we are approaching worship.