Thursday, December 01, 2022

Sunday Service with William Willimon Preaching

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This Sunday, December 4, in our 11:00 a.m. worship service, we will welcome as our guest preacher Professor William Willimon. Bishop Willimon served as the dean of Duke Chapel and professor of Christian ministry at Duke University for twenty years before serving as a bishop in the United Methodist Church and then returning to Duke to teach in the Divinity School.

The music will be led by Chapel organists, a cantor, and guest musicians The Bell Ringers of First Baptist Church in Henderson, North Carolina.

As part of our observance of Advent, the Old Testament (first) scripture lesson from the Book of Isaiah will be read from the back of the sanctuary. Just as we expectantly watch doors while waiting for deliveries, for guests, or for loved ones, we hear Isaiah’s prophecies proclaimed at a physical threshold—that liminal space between the gathered assembly and the world that awaits the fulfillment of God’s covenants.