Opening Sunday Service—LocoPops Afterwards
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Sunday morning worship at Duke Chapel
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Sunday morning worship at Duke Chapel
At our worship service this Sunday, September 3, at 11:00 a.m., we will continue to welcome students back to campus on this first "Opening Sunday" after classes began this week. Chapel Dean Luke Powery will preach a sermon Follow the Passion. The Chapel Choir, Chapel organists, and Amalgam Brass Ensemble will lead the music, including the hymn “Open Wide the Doors,” which was the winner of the 2021 Duke Chapel Hymn Competition.
All are invited to stay after worship today to enjoy delicious, cold LocoPops outside. While enjoying the popsicles, you can explore the ministry and volunteer opportunities offered by the Chapel and the Congregation at Duke Chapel.
- Watch the livestream
- View/Download the worship guide
- Make an online offering
- View an online version of the hymnal
- Subscribe to the Duke Chapel sermon podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify