Friday, January 29, 2021

Online Worship Service on Jan. 31

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You are invited to join us online for a worship service this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. The Chapel's director of Religious Life, the Rev. Kathryn Lester-Bacon, will preach a sermon titled In the Assembly. Dr. Philip Cave, associate conductor for Chapel Music, will lead the online congregation in singing the hymns "Hail to the Lord’s Anointed" and "Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies."

View or download the worship guide for the service, which includes the hymns, responses from the congregation, and announcements. Watch the livestream here:

In the lesson from Deuteronomy in this service, the people of Israel are promised a prophet who will rise from among them and speak the words of God. Would-be prophets also receive a word of warning: any who claim to speak the word of God yet speak not what the Lord commands will be punished by death. Paul cautions the church of Corinth about how they exercise their Christian freedom. When it comes to siblings in Christ, Paul instructs Christians to prioritize the needs of the weaker ones over personal freedoms for the sake of their faith. In Mark’s gospel, Jesus heals a man who had a disturbed spirit. As people begin to see the works of Jesus and the authority by which he carries them out, it amazes them. Could it be that the kingdom of God is near?