Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Online Service for Epiphany Jan. 6

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We conclude the Christmas season with this online Celebration of Epiphany on Wednesday, January 6, at 8:00 p.m. This prerecorded service will include prayers and scripture readings for the day as well as anthems and hymns from past services.

View and/or download the worship guide here. View the service here:

Historically, the festival of Epiphany celebrated three primary epiphanies through which the light of the incarnation was revealed to the world: the adoration of the magi, the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River, and Jesus’ first mir-acle at the wedding at Cana. In the modern liturgical calendar, these events are usually separated and marked on successive Sundays in January. Tonight’s service focuses on the first of these two epiphanies. The Chapel welcomes all to this online worship experience, particularly the participants in the 2021 National Conference for Sacred Music.