Thursday, December 14, 2023

'Gaudete' Sunday Morning Service

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In our service this Sunday, December 17, at 11:00 a.m., we will light the rose-colored Advent candle as we celebrate what many traditions call "Gaudete Sunday," from the Latin word for "Rejoice!" With this reminder of the joy that the season of Advent precedes, the scripture lessons this week offer messages of hope.

We will take up an offering for our Mission of the Month, the Arise Collective, which equips women with the tools and support they need to heal, grow, and thrive, both in prison and in the communities to which they return.

Also, the Rev. Dr. Carol Gregg will preach a sermon titled Pointing to Hope. This will be her final sermon as pastor to the Congregation at Duke Chapel as she is retiring this month after ten years of service in the role.