Thursday, August 12, 2021

Sunday Service, Prof. Sangwoo Kim Preaching

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Please note: Face masks are required in all Duke-owned and leased buildings, including Duke Chapel, and preregistration is required to attend this service in-person.

This Sunday (August 15) at our 11:00 a.m. worship service, we will welcome guest preacher Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim, a consulting professor at Duke Divinity School. Professor Kim is also senior director of the Methodist House of Studies and the Wesleyan Formation Initiatives, and co-director of the Asian House of Studies at the Divinity School. He will preach a sermon titled Eat and Abide.

In this service, we will also baptize two children and commission this year's PathWays Fellows, who recent graduates spening a year living in intentional Christian community and serving in Durham.