Wednesday, May 13, 2020

New Music for an Ancient Hymn Praising Mary

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“Salve Mater Misericordiae” is an ancient hymn in praise of the Mother of God. This Sounds of Faith video focuses on a modern setting of the piece, which was sung at the Chapel on March 1, 2020, by the Duke Chapel Choir and the Muskingum University Concert Choir.

“After an initial, unadorned statement of the melody by the tenors, Sarsany’s setting repeats the antiphon melody in the soprano voice above a lush, mystical harmonic cushion created by the lower voices,” explains Dr. Zebulon Highben, director of Chapel Music. “When Sarsany moves to the verse portion of the chant (at the words salve felix Virgo, “hail blessed Virgin”), he gradually increases both the volume and the number of voice parts, adding antiphonal writing and syncopation as he builds to a powerful cluster chord on the repeated address, O Maria.”

Watch the choirs sing the piece in its entirety.

Watch more Sounds of Faith videos.