Listen to a 'Spellbinding Musical Icon of Faith in the Blessed Trinity'
During this week following Trinity Sunday, the Chapel’s Dr. Philip Cave explores an anthem in praise of the Christian doctrine of the three persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The anthem, Libera nos, salva nos (“Free us, save us”), was composed in sixteenth-century England by John Sheppard and was sung by the Duke Vespers Ensemble at a Duke Chapel Choral Vespers service on September 28, 2017.
“Despite its rather complex texture, Libera nos, salva nos is made up of quite simple musical figures,” explains Dr. Cave, associate conductor for Chapel Music. “By quite simple means—the long, held notes in the bass part, and six other voices weaving in and out—Sheppard produces a serene and spellbinding musical icon of faith in the blessed Trinity.”