How Can You Keep From Singing?
The Duke Chapel Choir is open to undergraduates, graduate and professional students, staff, and community members, the Chapel Choir rehearses Wednesday nights and sings for Sunday morning worship services in the inspiring aesthetic grandeur of Duke Chapel. Each December the choir presents Handel’s Messiah, a longstanding Duke tradition, and in the spring performs other works with full orchestra. Course credit and scholarships are available.
To learn more about the choir, join in an open rehearsal on Wednesday, August 23, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. or Sunday, August 27, from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. at the Chapel.
To schedule a Chapel Choir audition, between August 28 and September 1, click here.
Also, learn more about the Chapel's Vespers Ensemble and Evensong Singers.