Thursday, May 04, 2023

PathWays Fellows' Household Covenant

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Household Covenant

We commit to building one another up in our prayer, work, and common life, grounded in God’s love and being formed together as disciples of Jesus Christ

Worship Life and Prayer

  • We commit to gathering daily each weekday at 7:30 – 7:50 a.m. (or at a mutually agreed upon time) for community worship and prayer
  • We will pray for each other, our common concerns, and the wider work of the church.
  • We will read the Bible on a regular and frequent basis, using the lectionary (or some other agreed upon method) to guide our mutual listening to the Word
  • We commit to exploring a variety of spiritual practices, both ancient and new, to enrich our faith and to deepen our relationship to Christ
  • We commit to being open to all that Christ would do in us and through us

Common Life

  • We commit to mutual care and to loving one another in the spirit of Christ
  • We commit to listening when others are speaking and to respecting confidences
  • We commit to creating a peaceful environment that offers space for quiet reflection and prayer
  • We commit to practicing forgiveness and reconciliation
  • We commit to striving for balance in our work, prayer, and common life

Common Responsibilities

  • We commit to maintaining a clean, comfortable, and inviting living space by picking up after ourselves and one another and by caring for one another’s belongings; we will keep the downstairs space clean at all times
  • We commit to preparing and sharing a common meal at least once a month
  • We commit to reserving time and space for enjoying fellowship and celebration with one another


  • We (Fellows) commit to serving in Durham between 8-10 hours per month
  • We commit to cultivating a spirit of hospitality with expected and unexpected guests
  • We commit, as individuals and as a community, to take seriously our vocational journeys
  • We commit to encouraging one another in our work of ministry and service, study and reflection, prayer and discernment
  • We commit to seeking friendships with the poor and to being open to all the ways Christ would change us through these relationships