Monday, January 27, 2020

Interfaith Living-Learning Community

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Applications are due this Wednesday, January 29, for the Chapel's interfaith, living-learning community Eruditio et Religio.

The program is built around fostering relationships with people of diverse religious traditions and preparing students to work together for the common good. It offers Duke undergraduate students curricular and co-curricular opportunities in education, intentional living, and civic engagement through service and social action.

Learn more and apply.

In a recent Duke Chronicle story about campus housing options, junior Renata Starostka comments about her experience with the Chapel's interfaith living-learning community Eruditio et Religio.

“I think this idea of interfaith community-building work is a huge part of E&R that makes it different from other LLCs because we’re choosing to be part of a group that is very diverse and choosing to help redesign our community to be welcoming in those ways,” Starostka said.

“Ultimately, it’s a great community, and I’m so glad we have the resources and mentors to keep learning throughout the process,” she said.

Read the article.