Friday, June 26, 2020

Bulletin and Livestream for June 28, 2020

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Join us online for a Sunday morning worship service on June 28 at 11:00 a.m. The service will include prayers, scripture reading, organ music, hymns, and a sermon from Rev. Dr. Stephen Chapman, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School. 

Click here to see the bulletin and hymns.

“Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.” Today’s reading from James exhorts us not only to hear the Word of God, but to become doers of the Word. James’ directive echoes Psalm 46, in which stillness and knowledge of God are connected. Though mountains and seas tremble, though nations rage and falter, God remains our refuge. God’s Word—incarnate in Jesus Christ—abides forever. Filled with this truth, we go forth to serve the world and love our neighbor.