Graduate and professional students are involved in every aspect of the Chapel's mission and ministries.

Below are programs, events, and gathering opportunities we offer that welcome graduate and professional students. We invite you to join us!

Chapel Choirs

Sing with us! Students sing in all of the Chapel’s choirs. Course credit and scholarships are available.


Chapel Scholars

Among the many students who connect with the Chapel, a select group embarks on a journey of faith and learning related to questions of purpose, meaning, and calling. These students are the Chapel Scholars. Chapel Scholars form an interdenominational community of Christian students connected to the Chapel. Together, they ask and seek answers to life’s deepest questions. Through study, service, counsel, and worship, Chapel Scholars build community across traditions and are formed together in faith. The application process is open to all Duke students (undergraduate and graduate) who identify with the Christian tradition.

Interfaith Semester Retreats

Each semester the Chapel hosts an interfaith gathering for graduate students, a time of interreligious reflection and community-building, where students from all traditions and none can meet, connect, and learn from each other. These events typically happen during Reading Week in the fall and on the first Saturday of Spring Break in the spring. 


Nighttime Tower Climbs

Climbing the Chapel tower at night is a chance to bond with other students, participate in a Duke tradition, and experience an amazing view of campus and beyond. These special tower climbs are offered one night each month from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Physical mobility is required to climb the 239 steps. You can sign up as an individual or a friend-group.

Religious Life Groups

Duke Chapel, in partnership with Student Affairs, supports and convenes twenty-two Religious Life groups. Many of these groups have staff and affinity groups designed to care for, and connect with graduate and professional students.


Theology Underground

Theology Underground is a series of guided conversations about how culture, identity, and race impact the way we live out our faith and beliefs. Each month, the program engages with a different cultural community and learns about their unique and creative ways of imagining God and living out their faith. Campus partners across various identities will serve as conversation partners. Light refreshments provided.