Meet the QuadEx Chaplains

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Rev. Prasert Ammartek


Words To Live By

Do not dwell in the past, do not worry much for the future, focus on the present and do your best. A bright future will come along.

Rev. Prasert Ammartek (he/him/his) is the Buddhist Chaplain at Duke, starting in August 2023. He takes over from Francesca Morfesis, leading the Buddhist Meditation Community and offering education on campus around mindfulness, meditation, and other learnings of Buddhism. Born in Bangkok, Thailand, he served many years as a Buddhist monk and teacher, before moving to the United States. He now lives in Wake Forest with his family. He has extensive experience as an army and hospital chaplain, is a major in the Armed Forces, and teaches mindfulness practices to many different communities.


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Chaplain Priya Amaresh


Words To Live By

It’s a good day to have a good day!

Chaplain Priya Amaresh (she/her/hers) is the Hindu Chaplain at Duke, who started in August 2021. Born in Bangladore, India, she grew up in Flint, Michigan, trained in education at University of Michigan, before eventually moving to North Carolina. She serves on the board of the North American Hindu Chaplains Association. She is a practitioner of Hatha Yoga, a believer in Sanatana Dharma, a promoter of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, and an advocate for environmental activism— who also leads yoga classes at DuWell!


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Rabbi Elana Friedman


Words To Live By

Tov Lehodot - It is good to be grateful!

Rabbi Elana Friedman (she/her/hers) is the Jewish Chaplain and Campus Rabbi at Duke University. Before joining Jewish Life at Duke in 2015, she served in many previous roles, from camp education director to rabbinical fellow for a human rights organization. Originally from New York, Rabbi Elana was educated and ordained at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia. Recently she was awarded Duke's Algernon Sullivan Sydney Award for outstanding commitment to service. Along with Rev. Kathryn, she convenes the Interfaith Roundtable for religious leaders on campus. She is also a musician and hosts a radio show on WXDU.


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Rev. Racquel Gill


Words To Live By

“You have so much inside of you to make so much room for fear.” – a friend

Rev. Racquel C. N. Gill (she/her/hers) is the Minister for Intercultural Engagement at Duke Chapel, having joined the Chapel staff in March 2022. A native of Winnsboro, South Carolina, she is also a graduate of Duke Divinity School and an ordained Baptist clergy, who is frequently invited to preach for conferences and congregations. Rev. Gill previously served as the Jack and Jane Presseau Associate Chaplain at Presbyterian College, in Clinton, South Carolina, as well as a local church leader in Brooklyn, New York. On campus, her ministries include running the Theology Underground conversation series and supervising the United in Praise student gospel choir.


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Rev. Kathryn Lester-Bacon


Words To Live By

“For me, most simply, contemplative spirituality is a fidelity to beholding the divine in all things...A sacred attention...I believe this is a spirituality our world -- overtaken with dislocation, noise, unrest -- so desperately needs” – Cole Arthur Riley

Rev. Kathryn Lester-Bacon (she/her/hers) is the Director of Religious Life at Duke Chapel, working at the Chapel since September 2019. An ordained Presbyterian clergy, she is a graduate of Princeton Seminary, and has received certificates in IAF community organizing and spiritual direction. Before starting at Duke, she worked as a pediatric and hospice chaplain, youth director, and local church leader. Along with Rabbi Elana, she convenes the Interfaith Roundtable for religious leaders on campus.


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Chaplain Joshua Salaam


Words To Live By

Direction to Heaven…Turn RIGHT & Go STRAIGHT

Chaplain Joshua Salaam (“Bro Jo”) (he/him/his) is the Muslim Chaplain at Duke University. Before coming to Duke in July 2018, he worked in a variety of roles, including serving in the U.S. Airforce and as a police officer. He has worked in community activism, served on council for American-Islamic Relations, and led youth programs at a large masjid in northern Virginia. In 2021, he completed his Doctorate in Ministry from Hartford International University. Along the way, he has continued to perform with his popular band, Native Deen! He is known for his pancakes made for the Fajr Breakfast Club each Wednesday at the Center for Muslim Life.