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Welcome to Our New Website

This new version of the Duke Chapel website presents the mission, ministry, and life of the Chapel through expressive imagery, clear writing, and dynamic media while retaining the extensive online archive of services, sermons, events, and announcements.

Built on the Sites Pro platform from Duke OIT, the website features easy navigation, multimedia elements, and a responsive layout that adapts for optimal viewing on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. For those familiar with the previous website, much of the navigation to content and information remains the same, including the archive section with past services and events.

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How Do I Watch Livestreams of Services and Events?

The two most recent livestreams, as well as the one coming up next, are presented on the hompage just below the News section. You can also watch livestreams directly on the Duke Chapel YouTube channel. For recordings further back, see the Archives & Recordings section.

Where Do I Find Recordings and Bulletins of Past Services and Events?

The Archives & Recordings section is the online repository for services and other events. The archives are broken down by type of service/event and then by year. For the more recent archives, use the navigation on the left to select the category of event/service and year. 

How Do I Listen to Sermons?

Find past sermons in the archive for Sunday Services. To stay up-to-date with Chapel sermons, subscribe to the Duke Chapel Sermon podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Where Can I Find Out About Upcoming Events

The calendar lists events upcoming in the next four months. 

Where Do I Find a Listing of Past Events?

An archive of past events is provided here, which is part of the Archives & Recordings section. This is a different location from the previous website.