Sunday, April 30, 2023
vening Prayer (or "Evensong") has its roots in the ancient pattern of daily monastic services, and was established by Thomas Cranmer in the first English Book of Common Prayer in 1549. Duke Evensong Singers have performed Choral Evensong (where most of the service is sung by the choir) in Duke Chapel since 2015. This semester, Duke's Evensong services will present an historical narrative of both the liturgy and its music. These services are not intended as historical reconstructions of any particular event; the intention is to present a range of music that is contemporaneous with the period, the tastes, and the religious climate of the time. Evensongs this semester will feature an introductory talk beginning at 3:30pm in Duke Chapel outlining the main changes in content and context that listeners will hear reflected in the service music.