Calendar - All
Wednesday, January 15
1:00 pm
This organ demonstration is an opportunity to stop in to hear a Duke Chapel organ or Bösendorfer grand piano played in the informal atmosphere of an open rehearsal.
5:00 pm
Each weekday at 5:00 p.m., a Duke Chapel carillonneur plays a fifteen-minute recital on the bells in the Duke Chapel tower.
Thursday, January 16
1:00 pm
This organ demonstration is an opportunity to stop in to hear a Duke Chapel organ or Bösendorfer grand piano played in the informal atmosphere of an open rehearsal.
5:00 pm
Each weekday at 5:00 p.m., a Duke Chapel carillonneur plays a fifteen-minute recital on the bells in the Duke Chapel tower.
Friday, January 17
8:00 am
For centuries, monastic orders and other faith communities have prayed the Psalms cyclically from beginning to end.
5:00 pm
Each weekday at 5:00 p.m., a Duke Chapel carillonneur plays a fifteen-minute recital on the bells in the Duke Chapel tower.
Saturday, January 18
7:30 pm
Established in 2016 by Alexander Lloyd Blake, Tonality is an award-winning chamber chorus with a mission to deliver authentic stories through voice and body to incite change, understanding, and dia
Sunday, January 19
Join us in worship that offers stirring preaching, inspiring sacred music, and faithful prayer.