Wednesday, October 31, 2012
All are welcome to this All-Hallows Eve service, on the evening prior to All Saints Day, the festival in the Church that recalls the faith and witness of the men and women who have carried and cherished the Christian faith throughout Church history. The service celebrates the Church's continuing communion with them, and memorializes the recently deceased. The early church followed the Jewish custom that a new day began at sundown; thus, feasts and festivals in the church were observed beginning on the night before. The night before All Saints (or All Hallows) became known as All Hallows Eve, or Halloween. Each year, Duke Chapel celebrates All Hallows Eve with the Choral Vespers Ensemble leading a candlelight worship service at 10:30 p.m. on Monday, October 31. Call 919-684-8478 for more information.
Bulletin: All Hallows Eve 2012