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University Worship


The Rev. Dr. Soong Chan Rah

All are welcome to attend this ecumenical service of Christian worship on Sunday mornings throughout the year. Duke Chapel is home to a long-and living-tradition of faithful preaching and inspiring sacred music. Join us as we sing, pray, give thanks, and learn together. Chapel ministers lead the service with a sermon from Chapel Dean Luke A. Powery or other minister. The Chapel Choir leads the music with accompaniment from the Chapel's organs. Parking is available in the Bryan Center garage at 125 Science Drive. ADA parking is available in the Bryan Center Surface Lot at the same address. Receive a pass for free parking on Sunday mornings at the visitor desk inside the Chapel. Childcare is available beginning at 10:50 a.m. For a listing of Christian education offerings before the service, consult the Chapel's website calendar. Ushers will greet you as you enter and people are available at the welcome desk after the service to explain more about the life of the Chapel. The service typically lasts between an hour and an hour-and-a-half, and is held year round. A bulletin with scripture readings, hymns, and more is available online on the Chapel website a few days before the service. A livestream of the service is available on the Chapel website and a recording is available afterwards.

01.19.20 Bulletin


Sermon, Worship