Duke Chapel is a vibrant center of ecumenical Christian worship with a long—and living—tradition of faithful preaching and inspiring sacred music.

This tradition has come to include an active congregation for care and service and a vocational discernment program. In acts of worship beyond the walls of the Chapel, the Chapel community is sent out to pray with its hands and feet by seeking the welfare of Durham in partnership with nonprofits, churches, and neighborhoods, as well as by nurturing relationships across social, cultural, and political division.

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Worship Services

Held year-round amid the beautiful, soaring architecture of Duke Chapel, the Chapel’s Sunday morning service is characterized by vibrant faith, intellectual depth, diverse cultural expressions, and a welcoming community. Special services outside of Sunday morning share this character and often involve partnerships with other campus groups. These services are in addition to the many services held by Religious Life groups at the Chapel and around campus.

Sunday Morning

Join us in Worship

Choral Evensong

Attend Choral Evensong


The Chapel is home to a long history of faithful preaching, which continues today with Chapel Dean Luke Powery, Chapel ministers, and guest preachers. With support from the Lilly Endowment, sermons preached at Duke Chapel between 1946 and 2002 have been digitized and transcribed. The Duke University Chapel Recordings Digital Collection makes these manuscripts and recordings available to scholars, clergy, and the wider public. The Living Tradition online preaching resource curates this historical collection in service of the present moment.

Subscribe to the Duke Chapel Sermon Podcast


Guest Preachers Schedule

See the Schedule

Archive of Sunday Services

Visit the Archives

Living Tradition Preaching Resource

Explore the Wisdom


Music in Worship

The Chapel’s regular schedule of worship services is musically led and enriched by the Chapel’s outstanding vocal ensembles, organs, and carillon as well as guest musicians.


Archives & Recordings

Through various media, the Chapel’s worship services and other events are extended to those unable to visit the Chapel in person.

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See the Archives

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