Biographical Notes for Communion of Saints

    “We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses.” — Hebrews 12:1

Biographical Notes for Communion of Saints: A Reflection on the Body of Christ through Time and Space

Communion of Saints: A Reflection on the Body of Christ through Time and Space presents woodblock prints of past saints and important figures of the church alongside images of current students, faculty and staff at Duke. The series of prints represents the beautiful diversity of the body of Christ across time, place and culture. Communion of Saints was created by Rebekah Schultz, a Duke Divinity School student. Schultz was selected as this year’s Duke University Chapel C. Eric Lincoln Fellow. The annual C. Eric Lincoln Theology and Arts Fellowship provides funding to an undergraduate or graduate student to complete a sacred art project and is named in honor of C. Eric Lincoln who was a professor of Religion and Culture at Duke University from 1976–1993.

To purchase prints, contact, on Instagram, or find her work on Etsy

Tony B. Nguyen
Tony (MDiv. ’23) is a resident of Friendship House and former co-president of the Asian Theology Group, and is passionate about  environmental justice and sustainable farming. 
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) was a German pastor and theologian who was martyred for his opposition to Nazi forces and whose writing still influences the Church.
St. Macrina (324–379) was a nun from Cappodocia, present day Turkey, who lived an ascetic life and was admired for her spiritual depth and philosophical theology.

Martin Luther King Jr. 
Rev. Dr. King (1929–1968) was a minister and civil rights activist who fought for desegregation and racial equality using nonviolence and civil disobedience.  

Augustine of Hippo
St. Augustine (354–430) was the bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa and is recognized as a Church Father who has greatly impacted Western Theology. 
Jamie Henson
Jamie works for Zweli’s Cafe in the Divinity School and loves interior design and talking with people. Her dedication and joyful presence in our community is a gift. 
Peter Casarella
Dr. Casarella is a professor of systematic theology, particularly Catholic and Latinx theology and world religions. His ecumenical work and care for students is significant. 
Óscar Romero 
St. Romero (1917–1980) was the Archbishop of San Salvador who spoke against the  injustice and violence of the Salvadoran Civil War and was martyred during mass. 
Francis of Assisi
St. Francis (1181–1226) was an Italian Catholic friar known for his emphasis on poverty, care for animals, and receiving of the stigmata, the wounds of Christ. 
Donald Fogg
Donald has been working for Duke facilities for the past 30 years while being a DJ on the side. He is an encouraging presence in the lives of students and always has a smile.  
Tatum Tricarico
Tatum (MDiv. ’24) is a Disability Justice advocate and the co-president of Duke Divinity’s Spoon Collective. She is also a resident of Friendship House.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa (1910–1927) was a Catholic nun and missionary in India who is known for her work among the poor, receiving a Nobel Peace Prize for fighting poverty.  
Julian of Norwich
Julian (1343–1416) was an English Anchoress and mystic who received visions from God and wrote them down in her book Revelations of Divine Love.
Sarah Barton
Dr. Barton has a joint teaching position in both Occupational Therapy and Theological Ethics, allowing her to specialize in disability, liturgy, and pastoral care.
Takudzwa Chikepe
Taku (MDiv. ’24) is an internationally award-winning poet from Zimbabwe and is passionate about art, writing, and sharing life with people. 
Meghan Benson
Rev. Benson is the Duke Divinity School Chaplain who organizes communal worship in Goodson Chapel. She loves the liturgy and cares for students well.
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman (1822–1913) was a devout Christian and an American abolitionist who escaped slavery and led many others to freedom on the Underground Railroad. 
Marianne Katoppo
Marianne Katoppo (1943–2007) was an Indonesian author and one of the first Asian feminist theologians. She portrayed God as Mother and saw Mary as crucial to theology. 
Luke A. Powery
Rev. Dr. Powery is the dean of Duke University Chapel and teaches homiletics at Duke Divinity. He often speaks at the Chapel services as well as at other churches and institutions. 
Sangwoo Kim
Dr. Kim is the Senior Director of the Methodist House of Studies and Wesleyan Formation Initiatives, as well as the Co-Director of the Asian House of Studies. 
Nina Balmaceda
Dr. Balmaceda is the Associate Director for the Center for Reconciliation at Duke  Divinity School and is the president of Peace and Hope International. 
Ada María Isasi-Díaz
Ada María Isasi-Díaz (1943–2012) was a Cuban-American theologian who developed Mujerista theology as rooted in Lo Cotidiano, a theology of the everyday. 
Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu (1931–2021) was a South African Anglican Archbishop and theologian, as well as a human rights activist who fought against apartheid.
Sujatha Balasundaram
Sujatha (MTS ’23) is an artist from India who designs beautiful and contemplative line art. Her kind and gentle care for others encourages those around her.