Monday, March 30, 2020

Article: Services Go Online-Only, Chapel Community Resilient

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A Duke Chronicle article reports that while Chapel services have gone to online-only, the Chapel community is resilient and campus Religious Life groups continue to connect with students.

“Despite the Chapel community’s inability to gather physically, members of the congregation wrote in emails to The Chronicle that they thought the cancellation of services was appropriate, and online services are a much-appreciated alternative,” the article says.

Chapel Assistant Dean Rev. Bruce Puckett explains in the story why the format of the services has changed somewhat: “Even by simplifying our service, one of the things we’re trying to communicate is, ‘we recognize that the world is not the same right now for you, so we’re not going to try to pretend like the world is the same for us.’ So we’re not just having our service as usual, we’re doing something different, because life is different right now.”

Read the full article.